Our website, stmarysberwick.com and this Online Giving program, is supported by eCatholic web functionality using transaction security supported by tokenization. Tokenization is the process of turning a meaningful piece of data, such as an account number, into a random string of characters called a token that has no meaningful value if breached. This online giving service has already been a proven success for many parishes, schools, and dioceses as well as businesses such as American Express. It enables safer record-keeping, faster processing, and more efficient financial administration for the parish. Using this techology is an easy way of sharing your monitary gift without the hassle of remembering checks and envelopes.
Thank you for all your generous support. Your contribution provides for our continued success. Together we promote a thriving parish community through the giving of our time, talent and treasure! Gifts to St. Mary's Church are typically tax deductible. Each parishioner is given an envelope number to use with their gift. At the end of the year you may request, for tax purposes, the total amount of your offering that is assigned to your envelope number.
Please use the form below to share your gift with St. Mary's Church. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the parish office at (570) 759-8113.
St. Mary's church is fully PCI compliant. PCI compliant means that any company or organization that accepts, transmits, or stores the private data of cardholders is compliant with the various security measures outlined by the PCI Security Standard Council to ensure that the data is kept safe and private.
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